Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This coming weekend we are celebrating our third wedding anniversary...man how the time flies!! It seems like it has been so much longer than that though! Probably because we have been a couple for about 6 years now! I am really excited about this anniversary because we are finally going back to the hotel we had our wedding night! We have the presidental suite this time also with the jacuzzi tub and huge european walk in shower that could fit 5 people and has several shower heads!

The other thing that excites me about THIS anniversary is the possible "anniversary gift" that I hope to surprise Miah with! No details until I know if it is going to happen or not!

Looking back on our three years of marriage I am happy with what I see. Of course like any marriage we have had our ups and downs but I am glad I can't think of any in particular because the good outshines the few bad. We've also had our heartaches, the biggest and most recent was our miscarriage about 2 months ago. The love that we have in our relationship has only increased throughout the years even thru the bad times and sometimes because of them! I would not change marrying the man that I have and I'm thankful everyday for him and our life!

As far as what I want our next year of marriage to consist of is this list: getting pregnant and having a precious baby, paying off all of our debit, except student loans (the debt I am hoping to pay off before Jan 09), buying a house, and loving more! I know its a lot of big items but hopefully not so big that it's out of reach!

Thanks to all our friends for being a part of our lives and incouraging our love and life together!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Beginning....

Once upon a time there was a pretty girl named Leah who fell in love with a strong, manly lad named Jeremiah. Although the initial meeting was "shocking" they settled down and got married and now live in a "castle." These two lovebirds are perfect for eachother, and have really great friends at their castle all the time. They also have two cute "princes" and one "princess." The princes are Yorkies named Ryder and Rowan, and the princess of the house is Delia, a Shorkie.




Stay tuned for an update from fairy tale land!!

(blog dictated by Jen)